IB Primary Years Programme
The Locke School is an IB Candidate school. Join us on this incredible journey.
Click to learn more about the IB Primary Years Programme.
Wit & WisDOM
Wit & Wisdom is a comprehensive K–8 English language arts curriculum crafted to help students build the knowledge and skills they need to be successful readers, exceptional writers, and effective communicators.
Click to learn more about Wit & Wisdom.
Social Emotional Learning
RULER is an approach to social and emotional learning (SEL) that teaches emotional intelligence to people of all ages, with the goal of creating a healthier, more equitable, innovative, and compassionate society.
Click to learn more about Ruler.
Our math curriculum is a comprehensive approach that aims to teach problem solving and conceptual understandings. Investigations 3 is a K-5 inquiry-based math curriculum. Students actively explore mathematical ideas to develop understanding and fluency. They collaborate, investigate, and take part in problem-based learning. Students also participate in group Number Talks and Exemplars. Number Talks and Exemplars were developed for classroom teachers to engage students in “mental math” through grappling with interesting mathematics problems.
Click to learn more about Investigations 3.
We use Amplify Science curriculum to create an interdisciplinary approach to science. Students learn science concepts through hands-on explorations, experiments and inquiry studies. Science studies incorporate reading, writing, math, engineering, and more for interdisciplinary, project-based work.
Social Studies
We use the Passport to Social Studies curriculum to create an interdisciplinary approach to social studies concepts. Students learn social studies standards through inquiry studies. Students ask questions about the world around them, exploring different cultures and people. Social studies incorporates reading, writing, math, engineering, and more for interdisciplinary, project-based work.
All students from 3K - Grade 5 gain exposure to Art, Music, Engineering and PE through weekly enrichment periods. K-5 also enjoys a deeper dive into our garden and our state-of-the-art hydroponics lab with our Hydroponics Enrichment program. Various clubs such as yarn club for knitting and crocheting, drama, chorus and multicultural club allow students to explore their interests.
Outdoor learning
Outside of the box? How about outside of the classroom?! Find out how our students are doing outdoor learning at the Locke School.
The Early Years - 3K/PK
PreK & 3K Students are encouraged to explore and learn through purposeful play. Activities are developmentally appropriate and designed to meet each individual child's interest and curiosity. Using the Creative Curriculum as a guide, our students lead their learning through inquiry. Students learn how to become citizens of a community as they observe, create, question, negotiate, and develop their language and decision making skills through interdisciplinary units of study.
All 3K and PK students have access to our enrichment classes including Music, Art, PE and Engineering.
Check out our gallery of our Pre-K students in action!
Special Education
We offer Integrated Co-Teaching and12:1:1 class settings in each grade level kindergarten through fifth grade. A Special Class Integrated Setting (SCIS) is offered for 3K/PK. We have on-site providers for counseling, speech, OT, and PT services for all grade levels 3K-5th grade. We also have a state-of-the-art sensory room available to all students in the school.