Important information
The bulletin Board
We update the Locke School Bulletin Board several times a week -- make sure you check it out for the most up-to-date news from the Locke School!
What We Mean When We Say Progressive
This brief explanation was written to help families understand why we take a ‘progressive’ stand in our classrooms and what we do differently to support all learners to develop confidence, competence and curiosity. Click here to read more.
Homework Policy
In short, Locke School students read every night and practice math skills and strategies through games and activities rather than worksheets. Once the ‘core’ homework assignments are established, families can ‘opt in’ for further assignments based on student and family needs. Please click here for more details.
Uniform Policy
Students come to the Locke School dressed for academic success. Read more about our uniforms on our Uniform Page.
Food Policy
The Locke School promotes healthy food choices. All students are offered balanced meals in the cafeteria. Students are discouraged from bringing candy, soda or other sugary treats to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Any sugary snacks will be held and returned by the classroom teacher at the end of the day.
Mobile Device Policy
We understand that some families require their child to travel to school with electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, etc) for emergency purposes. These devices must remain in your child's backpack during the school day. If a device is taken out during the day, it will be collected and returned at dismissal.
Please understand that we can not be responsible missing or damaged devices.